A light hearted quiz to test the grey matter!
Here are some questions to get those cogs turning. The answers can be found in the ‘Articles’ section of my web site, so no cheating and remember it's only for Fun this time!
- What does PDC stand for
- What part of a building would you find a Dormer
- Where would you generally find a Joist
- What would you be doing if you used a ‘Frenchman’ ( keep it clean! )
- How long is the standard statutory waiting time for a Householders Planning Application here in hampshire
- In planning terms, what is ‘PD ’ an abbreviation for
- In a dated property, what animal part is mixed with lime and water to form a plaster or render ( Again, keep it clean! )
- What is the name given to brickwork constructed in a curved fashion
How are you getting on, too easy? Let's turn up the heat just a little then.
- How many bricks are there in a square meter of a single skin wall built in standard stretcher bond (rounded up to the nearest full brick )
- What does the RSJ stand for when talking about support beams
- At what scale do you need a Location Plan to be presented in for a planning application
- What is the actual size, in millimeters, of a 4×2
- What letter value do you use to represent a collective range of materials thermal properties
- What letter value do you use to represent an individual thermal property of a specific material
- To meet with current building regulations, what is the maximum angle a staircase can be designed at
I will be running a similar quiz in two months time, where you can win a £25 wine voucher. That will help you enjoy the early part of 2014!